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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 12, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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her while she was unconscious. making it much worse is the fact that afterwards, apparently a photo or multiple photographs were taken of the assault as it was taking place. >> allard says those photos were posted online and were seen by several students at the high school. in the days that followed, audrie wrote on her facebook page, quote, the whole school knows, my life is ruined now. eight days after the assault, audrie pott took her own life. officers arrested two of the accused male students at saratoga hospital yesterday morning. a third was arrested at christopher high school in gilroy. >> two of the charges were felony. one is a misdemeanor. they are sexual assault and sexual battery-related charges, i should say. >> reporter: audrie's parents didn't find out about this until after her death.
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they want treio prosecuted as adults. they plan to address the media next tuesday in hopes of making sure a tragedy like this never happens again. live in san jose, marla tallez, "today in the bay" new developments in the murder of washington, d.c. intern, chandra levy. she grew up in modesto. the man accused of killing her, ingamar guandike. she are asking for 911 calls including a blood-curdling scream. these tapes were in existence and reported back in 2001 but police concluded they were irrelevant. the defense says the tapes undermine a key witness's testimony. her body was found in washington, d.c. in a park back in 2002, one year after she disappeared.
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5:04. voe investigators looking after a fire that broke out at an international garden grow. the facility has a license but the card posted was out of date. one of the woshlg kerrs was inside when flames broke out. no one was hurt. the man police say shot an aspiring bay area rapper on the las vegas strip will be extradited this month. 27-year-old amar harris is accused of shooting kenneth sherry, also known as kenny clutch. it happened minutes after the two had an argument on the vegas strip. his car slammed into a taxi killing two and injuring another five a stanford professor diagnosed with leukemia now only has eight weeks left to live unless she gets a bone marrow transplant. she is turning to social media to try and help find a life-saving match. christie smith is live at stanford with more on how everybody, how you, how we can
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all help out. christie, good morning. >> reporter: she is such an accomplished woman who doesn't have much time left unless she gets a life-saving bone marrow transplant. she is a professor here at stanford university. she is also the mother to two teenage daughters. she is battling leukemia which she first battled in 2004. her story is being spread through social media. she is originally from india, the first indian professor in the psychiatry department at harvard university. her research covered in malcolm gladwell's book, blank. how quick and accurate first impressions can be. the website her match will most luckily be of south asian dissent. there are a low number in the donor pool. the push is on to get more people to register as a donor. a cheek swab is all it takes to get started.
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that information can be found at help is needed to cover the cost of test kids to india. 5:06. the los angeles police department says cases of celebrity swagging will now be kept under wraps. it involves fake 911 calls targeting the homes of stars. recent incidents have sent emergency responders to the homes of tom cruise, justin bieber and ashton cutchier to make a few. local grape growers are discrediting a new report claiming climate control and climate change could crush the california wine industry. the national academy of sciences found that 19 to 73% of the land suitable for grape-growing will not be useable by 2050. growers in napa and sonoma
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county. they say the region's proximity to the pacific ocean, the work of grapevine researchers and the adaptability of farmers will help prevent the demise of wine country. >> let's see what we are in store for today sunshinewise checking in with christina loren. good morning to you, marla. laura and jon. you two sound similar and you do have similar-sounding names. good thing it doesn't bother you too much. eight miles of visibility in napa and novato. watch out. fog is going to be more of a factor this morning than it was yesterday. temperatures are a little bit chillier out there. more 40s on the map. 47, sunnyvale. 48, san jose and 43 degrees to you down in gilroy. nice, comfortable start to the day. we have great air quality. pollen is going to be a factor. it has been rather dry and breezy. as a result, we have a lot of pollen out there, 69 degrees as you break for lunch in livermore. we are talking about 70 at noon in concord.
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56 degrees today in san francisco at lunchtime. we are going to round out the day with some really comfortable temperatures. look at these numbers. 76 in livermore. 74, fremont. 75 degrees in san jose. our sunrise at 6:41 this morning as the new friday begins, mike. we like that. >> it is pollen-filled. there is a little bit of a hitch. those crews are done with their friday and getting toward their weekend as they bring most of the bigger equipment vehicles out of the area and over to the yard. we are showing no more lane blocked northbound past the coliseum. no slowing there. we are looking toward the eastbound 580. a little slowing. a few cars three the area. you shouldn't have any problem traveling. west 580, the early morning
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construction has cleared some lanes there in the commute direction. 84 down isabelle. a live look for the south bay, north 101, very smoth. you are at speed for the south bay freeways. we are tracking that. back to you. it is 5:09 right now. a future for california aets high-speed rail. we will let you know what governor jerry brown is doing that could bring some much-needed funding to this project. we'll take a look at facebook. a tax hit they have to take for some workers.
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here we go. it is friday. we are also just days away from the tax deadline. get this, an expected 85% of people will actually get refund checks. the same can't be said for some of the silicon valleys largest companies. "today in the bay's" bob redell joins us live with more details on how some of its employees could be in a pickle. >> reporter: because of the recent plunge in the stock price. this has to do with employees that exercise their fates book stock, which was ipo last year. some have gotten into a bind, owing a huge tax bill with nothing to show for it. the mercury news does a pretty good job explaining it. let's say a facebook employee exercised but did not said their options when the stock ipo'd at the $38 stock price.
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they have yet to realize those gains but they owe the tax. they may gamble they can sell the stock at a higher price. the stock price plunged. right now it is trading at $28. it is a $10 difference. if they are still sitting on those shares waiting for the price to recover, they still owe that tax bill based on a $38 share price. you can do the math and see how somebody could be in a bind. mark zuckerberg, he owes $1.1 billion in federal and state income tax. don't feel too bad. by selling his shares, he still netted over $2 billion. don't forget, taxes are due. you have to mail them out this monday april 15th. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> scott mcgrew continues that coverage. this is a real problem for
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people making a ton of money and then paying the taxes. if you don't have the money, it is a huge problem. jon, in it's extreme in collapse, regular people would receive $1 million worth of stock options, more money than they ever dreamed of. in the bust, they saw the options drop to zero. so the government said they were millionaires but their bank accounts said they had nothing. while we're on the subject of facebook, you can download that home software as of today. home is that special software for your android phone which changes the lock screen and makes your phone much more facebookie. the website was still not quite available. we'll keep our eye on it. according to her facebook page, seema mody is a huge new york knicks fan. they play the cavaliers. she is live at the world headquarters. good morning, seema. very good morning to you. that's right. thanks for checking that. i do love the new york knicks. >> now, looking at the markets
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right now, we are seeing futures slightly lower across the board. this coming in after the dow hit another record high in yesterday's trade. this is the fourth day of wins that we have been seeing on wall street. once again, a better than expected economic data that's helping boost the markets to these new highs. one of the top stories on our radar, martha stewart living loses out on its bid to dismiss macy's claim that it violated the contract when it agreed to sell goods at jcpenneys. jcpenney, which ousted its ceo earlier this week is exploring options to improve its finances including possibly selling a minority steak in the company. back over to you. >> seema, have a great weekend! 5:16. jon, you and laura and i were talking about how the fec says it is okay for executives to release financial news to investors over facebook and twitter.
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reed hastings took advantage to announce on facebook that netflix streamed 4 billion hours of film in the first year. an analysts has looked at those numbers, 4 billion hours means netflix gets as much viewership as a top tier cable channel. if it were a cable channel, it would be equivalent to the disney channel. we have always known netflix was gobbling up band wwidth. you have to wonder how much longer cable companies are going to put up with this and whether they legally have to. that will be a battle i think we are going to see a lot of. >> there are a lot of couch potatoes out there. >> fourth, house of cards is awesome. >> that probably helped build those numbers. we best stop at four. >> let's. talking about governor jerry brown, he is turning to china to push california's high-speed rail project. the governor got a first-hand look at the world's most
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expensive and extensive high-speed rail system. boarding a bullet train from beijing to shanghai yesterday. it is similar to the one he wants to build in california. he is hoping to attract chinese investors to help fund t $68 billion project. china's high-speed rail line is the longest of its kind in the world. it receives heavy government financing just as california's will. some 90 california business leaders are joining brown on his week-long visit to that country. >> it looks like a nice train, some nice, big first class seats there, big red leather, comfortable, room to move. hopefully, ours will have the same thing. 5:18. i like comfort and big seats. what's happening outside? we have a good-looking day and a great-looking weekend shaping up. i want to thank you for waking up with us each and every morning, specially on a friday when all you want to do is hit that weekend. we'll get you to work on time this morning. mike and i tracking a little bit of fog.
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nothing too substantial just yet. i want to start with your california state temps. it is a pretty nice start to the day all across the state. we are going to see some really comfortable conditions on saturday. if you are headed into southern california or up to tahoe, looking really good. 43 degrees to start. good morning, livermore. we are about 51 in oakland, 47 in san francisco to kick off your friday. want to zoom in for you and show you how mild it is out there along the ocean right at the coastline. temperatures, 47 degrees in pacifica. 45 in half moon bay. that's a noticeable difference. temperatures are going to rebound very nicely. we have a little bit of fog. san francisco starting to drop off. we are expecting the thickest fog where you see the shading here between san francisco down to san mateo. this morning, travel very cautiously along the peninsula. we are going to get a very close look at that drive with mike in just a minute. here is what we are talking about. winds are going to be the biggest factor weatherwise this weekend. the clock starting to get a little bit breezy. as we head throughout the day
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today, saturday, those winds drop back off. you can see that by the cooler colors coming into play. look at this. fierce winds move in for sunday. you can see where we are getting the hot pinks and the reds. a really strong wind headed our way for sunday afternoon. temperatures drop off. blustery at the coast. saturday is your beach day if that's what you want to do this weekend. look at these numbers for friday. 76 degrees in livermore. it is that time of year. you don't need the a.c., the heater. mother nature does it for us. 75, san jose. 73 today in sunnyvale. as we head through the weekend, temperatures drop off significantly for sunday. it is still going to be okay. a good day to fly a kite as the wings pick up, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, lots of sunshine. temps level off. good morning, mike. >> good morning. >> we are looking over here toward antioch. highway 4s has a tiny, tiny bit of slowing. that's great news for your
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morning commute. the south bay, smooth drive northbound. friday, gentler build here. a little slowing. a traditional congestion point. it is moving clearly on friday. it is over here. the transition, we do have a crash affecting these folks. 101 moves smoothly out of morgan hill and into or out of san jose. 101 along the peninsula. a live look for palo alto. a smooth drive going all the way up past willow in towards san mateo. watching for fog. so far, okay for drivers. we are watching that the conditions change over the morning. 101 across the golden gate bridge, not a problem. we can clearly see both towers, south and north, flowing in and out of the north bay. without any delays. no speed problems here. getting over the bridge, from the bay bridge, we have that backed up at the toll plaza, zero. back to you.
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a bipartisan immigration bill expected to be introduced in the senate soon could keep hundreds of thousands of immigrants illegally from ever becoming u.s. citizens. the bill would bar anyone who came to the country after december 31st, 2011, from applying for citizenship. it would also reportedly require applicants to have a clean, criminal record and show they are financially stable enough to likely stay off welfare. the bill is expected to be introduced next week. as congress continues to discuss immigration, one of our own is in washington telling his story. >> that's right. a documentary was shown out on capitol hill about nbc bay area's very own damien trajillo. you may not know it but damien is the son of immigrants. he was a farm worker as a child. he then went to college and ultimately became a tv reporter. >> this documentary is an indictment on those who think
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that the immigrants and the sons and daughters of immigrants have limitations. no they don't. >> driving by the field and seeing rows and rows of folks bending over picking strawberries, there is a much greater story in each one of those folks that possibly could be another damien. >> damien's story is very inspirational. he was there also screening that film in georgetown and at harvard university looking very scholarly too. >> damien is such a wonderful person as well, very humble and not even wanting the attention. you hear his back story and it is very interesting. >> i love it. great guy, great story. 5:23 right now. coming up, a great vacation deal or a sign of desperation. we'll let you know what carnival cruise line is offering to try and lure travelers on to its ship.
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carnival cruise lines is slashing prices. a trip to the caribbean will cost as little as $38 per night. the promotion comes months after an engine fire on the carnival "triumph" left a ton of passengers stranded out at sea for several days. that disaster caused travel bookings on carnival to no surprise to fall to double digits. carnival officials say business is finally starting to pick up thanks to the big-time discounted fairs. 5:26. let's check our forecast. how are we looking for today. i don't traditionally do this but because it is the weekend an you made it to friday, i'm bringing you the seven-day forecast at 5:26. i know mike appreciates that.
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76 degrees for today inland. bayside, 72. at the coast, 66 degrees. not too bad there. if you want to hit the beach. saturday is your day to do so. sunday, temperatures drop off. we are going to pick up some gusty winds. let's check on that drive, 5:26. the ever-enthusiastic mike. we are looking over here. we are looking at this southbound side. that's getting nice flow of traffic around the golf course and a clear view all the way toward the hills in toward fremont. the same area on our maps. no delays. build coming out of the niles area for highway 84. typical build. back to you. >> thanks so much. it is 5:27. still to come, she said her life was over and just days later, a south bay teen takes her life. we'll let you know why the three high school students are now behind bars in this case. the quest for a cure. friends rally around a stanford professor as she fights a deadly
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disease. we'll tell you how you can possibly help.
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>> reporter: a 16-year-old sexually assaulted by a group of boys. three of those boys are here. they haven't been officially charged with a crime. i'll explain why coming up. i have your weekend forecast. want to make sure you are aware of the changes. weekend is split between warm sunshine and a cool breeze. we'll sort it all out for you coming right up. it being friday, we are expecting a lighter, later bill. i have two crashes to report in the east bay. we will give you those two locations coming up. >> it is very early. we give you a live look over san francisco. checking out that beautiful, gorgeous bay bridge dancing in the light there. once again, ladies and gentlemen, congratulations. you made it to friday, april 12th. this is "today in the bay."
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good morning to you and thanks so much for joining us. i'm laura garcia cannon. good morning, everyone. three teenage boys are in juvenile hall this morning accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old saratoga girl. that girl, audrie pott, ended up taking her own life eight days after that assault. "today in the bay's" marla tallez is live with all the details. good morning. >> reporter: jon, good morning. those three boys are all 16 years old. as you mentioned, they are here at juvenile hall in san jose. here is the thing. we don't typically show pictures of sexual assault victims. in this case, we are. simply because we do have the permission of audrie pott's parents. their attorney says they hope they can prevent another tragedy like this from happening. allard says she was at an unsupervised house party last fall and was inebriated. that's when he says a group of
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boys sexually assaulted her. photos were taken and then posted online. they were seen by several students at saratoga high. days later, audrie wrote on her facebook page, the whole school knows. my life is ruined now. >> she was just absolutely humiliated. she must have felt tortured and she decided to end her life as a result of all these things coming together. >> a detention hearing will take place for the boys early next week. the boys have not been charged with a crime. two of the three attend saratoga high. the third goes to christopher high in gilroy. now, audrie's parents did not find out until after their daughter's death. they want the trio of boys prosecuted as adults. the district attorney's office is not making any official comments because the case involves minors. live in san jose, marla tallez, "today in the bay."
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>> we can also tell you. audrie's family started a foundation in her honor to help other kids in trouble. it offers counseling for kids in trouble and provides music and art scholarships, two of her passions. we will continue to stay on top of the developments in this story and we will bring you more and new information as we get it. a game of chicken turned deadly for a bay area teen who was hit by an amtrak train. allamet da county sheriff deputies say three boys were running along the tracks last night. it is unclear how long they were playing around before one of them was struck and killed. the children should not be on the train tracks. it should not be a short-cut home. they should not walk along the train tracks going home or coming to and from practices or any other community events. it is very important that people recognize that. people don't play chicken normally. this is a very rare occurrence. it is a sad incidence that has
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occurred. >> the teen's name and age has not been released and the accident is under investigation. a group of teachers in the south bay is fighting for salaries and benefits. teachers from the evergreen school district showed up at a board meeting last night to present their demands in ongoing contract negotiations. they say teachers have sacrificed to help the district's finances and have not had a salary increase since 2007. they also oppose the district's attempts to reduce their health benefits which they believe are key to retaining and recruiting educators. >> we are all out here, because we are concerned that negotiations are going nowhere. at mediation, we have asked a state mediator to come in because the district doesn't understand negotiations means compromise. the idea is to reach a settlement. they seem to be going backwards. we did reach out to the school district but we have so far not been able to get a comment. 5:34. a stanford professor diagnosed with leukemia has only eight weeks to live unless she can
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find a bone marrow donor. finding a match is incredibly tough, chances of 1 in 20,000. she is turning to social media to help save her life. christie smith, live at stanford on how you can help. >> reporter: good morning to you. dr. nalani has been a mentor to young scientists and a professor here at stanford. she is in desperate need of bone marrow. her pool of donors is relatively small. >> nalini only has a few weeks to find a bone marrow match. asians are is asians are severely underrepresented in the pool. together, we can save -- >> reporter: her story on how to become a donor being shared across social media by family and friends. she is running out of time
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because she is battling leukemia. she only has eight weeks left. this is her second bout with this. her list of accomplishments, the first indian-american professor at the psychology department at harvard and she worked at tufts university and stanford. it is most likely south asian donors that will be a match. they have a low number of donors in the pool. the website has a link on how to register. all it takes is a cheek swab to get started. it is very quick. they are saying that even if you are not a match, help is needed to cover the cost of test kits being distributed in india. christie smith, "today in the bay." 5:36 right now. this morning, san francisco leading the charge on its first-ever walk to work day. at 8:30 this morning, mayor ed lee and other city leaders will march from the b.a.r.t. station
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and make the trek over to city hall. the first city in the country to celebrate a walk to work. the event is being leld to promote ped safety after a list of deadly collisions involving cars this year. after walking to city hall, mayor lee is expected to unveil new public safety initiatives. >> probably a good day to get out there and walk. let's check the current conditions. >> count on extra foot traffic. that could slow you down. we will check on that drive with mike in a moment. good morning to you. we have some winds this morning that are rather calm. we are still getting that onshore flow. that means that cool ocean air continues to pump inland. look at what it is doing to your temperature. livermore is 8 degrees cooler than yesterday when we had a cool start to the day. four degrees cooler in san jose than 24 hours ago. as we head through the day. highs wrap up into the upper 70s. not a bad day at all. 43 degrees in livermore.
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48 in san jose. by noon today, we will be in the low 70s inland. 72 as you break for lunch. 64 degrees at lunchtime at the coast. it is going to be a nice day. 69 degrees. high temperatures coming in. 78 degrees inland. i will have your full forecast, that weekend forecast, coming up in my next report. you do want to stay tuned if you are trying to make outdoor plans with the little ones. first, let's check that drive. good morning. we want to stay tuned. we have a birthday party this weekend for my niece. we are looking at south 880. traffic flowing building a bit past the truck scales and tesla. no problems as far as the speeds go. 880 and 680 smooth to the fremont tunnel. it is slowing a bit. it connects the two out around whiple road and the off ramp at the union landing shopping mall
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as the bright lights lit up. there is a crash there now. it may be sticking out part of the off ramp. it is open. we don't see any slowing there, mild slowing off the transition above it. 92 off of 880 toward the san mateo bridge. another crash in the east bay. south 680 around main street. it is your commute. traffic flow is light as well as the activity. not a lot going on. nothing blocking lanes from what i can tell. a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza from our emeryville camera. a few of the cars backing up. a half dozen in some cash lanes. fast track, not an issue, a lighter, later build for friday. the time is 5:39. still ahead, more threats from north korea as secretary of state, john kerry, arrives in the south. we will let you know what he is saying about leader, kim jong-un's threat this morning. dale: we're from oregon
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and we've brought our cheese to enjoy. much like the majestic california cypress, our cheese is naturally aged... luke: ...unlike processed cheese. dale: how old do you reckon this tree is luke? luke: 9 months old! dale: eh... like our sharp cheddar! luke: oh it's older, it's got, it's probably older. dale: he knows cheese, not trees. luke: 9 months and a million years...
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dale: try it once. luke: you're hooked for life.
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no word of a third missile test from north korea, the u.s. says that could happen at any moment. >> this as secretary of state, john kerry, visits south korea to help our allies deal with the threat. "today in the bay's" tracie potts joins us on capitol hill. >> reporter: we have been hearing from secretary of state, kerry, from south korea. he held a joint news conference this morning with the foreign minister after meeting south korea's president. secretary kerry with some tough talk for north korea's leaders saying we are going to defend our allies. this rhetoric is unacceptable. this is an already volatile, potentially dangerous situation. these threats of a missile test, possible nuclear threats coming from north korea. when it comes to north korea's nuclear capability, there was a report quoted here on capitol hill yesterday suggesting that they had the capability to put a
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nuclear warhead on one of those missiles that they may be testing. kerry said this morning that a fully test developed demonstrated nuclear systems not the case. inaccurate to report that he said this morning. now, in addition to visiting south korea where his aim is to reassure our allies, he will also be in japan and china. china is going to be key. the u.s. is trying to lean on china to lean on north korea to end this whole situation. laura, jon? thank you very much. it is yet another reminder of the threat of war on the korean peninsula. small replicas of north korean missiles are on display alongside a giant flower show which opened in pyongyang. flowers celebrate the country's founding leaders, kim il-sung. he is the grandfather of the present leader, kim jong-un.
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uncle sam has his eye on some silicon valley top companies. we are live with details on how much the social media giant and some of its employees possibly owe. good morning, bob. >> reporter: good morning. laura. the number one employee, the founder, mark zuckerberg, owes a whopping $1.1 billion in federal and state income tax. don't put away that violin, because he did net $2.3 billion at the sale of his shares of facebook stock and many of his colleagues, employees, probably are also making out like bandits. what is interesting is that it is quite possible that some facebook employees might have gotten themselves into a little bit of a bind with the irs owing a huge tax bill with nothing to show for it. the mercury news does a pretty good job of explaining this. let's say a facebook employee exercised but did not sell their options when the stock ipo'd
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last year at $30 a share. they still owe taxes of whatever they are worth at the $30 price even though they have yet to realize the gains. they were gambling they would be able to make more money by selling their stock at a higher price and use those proceeds to pay off the tax bill. right now, it is trading at $28 a share. that's a $10 difference. if they are still sitting on those shares, waiting for the proo is to recover, they still owe that tax bill based on the $38 share price. you can do the math. you can see they have nothing to show for it. yet, they owe uncle sam a huge chunk of change. reporting live in the park, bob redell, t"today in the bay." christina loren is back with a borderline spectacular-looking forecast. >> this is that time of year where we get spoiled rotten. it is going to be so nice for all your outdoor plans. count on seeing a lot of people out and about across the bay area on saturday. the wind and the cool weather might keep them in on sunday.
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saturday looks to be better for your outdoor plans. it is going to be really nice. today, oh, my goodness. we're talking about the mid to upper 70s. 70s, yeah, that translates to comfort. 43 degrees right now. it is a little chilly in livermore. 42 in gilroy. 48 degrees. good morning to you, my friends in san jose. we have a good-looking day shaping up. a lot of sunshine, specially in the south bay. you are at 51 to start in cupertino. wind is going to play a little bit of a factor. our winds are going to shift from on shore to offshore flow. a little bit more sunshine today than yesterday. yesterday was pretty nice. i don't know if you can recall. a warmer day today even than yesterday. temperatures are going to be nice and comfortable. we will lose any sort of cloud cover that we pick up between now and 7:00 a.m. by 10:00 a.m., your futurecast tells that story. sunshine coming in. not too hot, not too cold. 75 in san jose, 74 in fremont.
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68 degrees in san francisco. city dwellers, getting spoiled with unusuallily warm weather there. that's what offshore flow means at the coast. 69 degrees in santa cruz. if you can get out there, it will be spectacular. good air quality for today. the one wrench in our perfect forecast, mike inouye knows what i'm talking about, high pollen. that will be the case all weekend long. keep the zyrtec handy. monday into tuesday, we will start to see the levels drop off once the winds drop off. another wind event to get through. let's check that drive with our own highway man, mike inouye. in the inouye house, a lot of kleenex and runny eyes at our house. a nice, smooth flow of traffic slowing down a bit. we have a later build. we still do have the build, 580 ought of the altamont pass. heading in toward livermore and the rest of the tri-valley.
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680 through sunol, no problem. 880 and 680 move nicely. north 101 coming off the interchange where we see your typical build for the south bay. this happens every day. friday, it will probably hold pretty steady over the next half hour to 45 minutes through the area. 87, a tad bit of slowing coming up into downtown. a quick look at the bay bridge toll plaza where we have a little bit of a cash lane starting here. no delays at the toll plaza. the peninsula shows a nice, smooth flow as well. easy drive north past willow and up through the area of san mateo. we have low clouds drifting through. watch out for changes. there may be fog developing. so far, visibility is fine
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across the golden gate bridge. we will look at this shot. we see both towers and a smooth drive. all the lights from the north bay through the north bay. you are at the limit getting into the city. expect this view. southbound heading toward the unmanned station. it is all, of course, computerized, automated tolls. expect slowing starts at 10:30 or 11:00. on a friday, that typically happens. last night, a painful and pricey loss with the dodgers. their $147 million pitcher, zach greinke is out for some time. this started when greinke beaned carlos quentin and it got ugly. quentin has about 45 pounds on greinke and pounds him. that breaks greinke's collarbone. he is going to be gone for at least the next two months. greinke and quentin and two other players eventually ejected after this bench brawl, clearing
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brawl, a mess out there. bodies everywhere. we can tell you these two guys have a little bit of history as well. this marks the third time that greinke has hit quentin and greinke says all three of those beanballs, they were all accidents. the pitch kind of got away from him three separate times. we will keep you posted on this one. ugly reality for the dodgers right now. talk about good news right here. they look to extend their winning streak to five games in chicago. as for yesterday's action, the g-men didn't look good early. >> down, 5-0. giants offense came alive scoring four runs in the fourth inning, three in the fifth to beat the cubs, 7-6. matt cain will take the hill for game two. first pitch, 11:20 this morning. speaking of a winning streak, the a's are certainly hot, the hottest team in baseball winning
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their eighth straight game last night. they beat the l.a. angels by a final of 8-1. they are now, 8-2 on the season. they look for revenge against the teams that knocked them out of the team last year. they are hoping to have first pitch at 7:05. keep it going, boys. 5:50 right now. coming up, an argument over age. we will tell you why an actress claims the internet movie database ruined her film career. it is a big spring break. the last big ski weekend of the year. we have a bad jet to gadget to with it.
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5:53. friday morning. an actress that sued the movie database for revealing her age has lost her case. the 41-year-old has appeared in lessor known movies including ginger deadman three and saturday night cleaver. she says she -- offers for those roles started drying up after the database published her birthday. the judge dismissed the case saying the database was protected by the first amendment. want to check scott mcgrew. lots of san jose families will be hitting the slopes one last time. christina says there is still 92 inches of snow at the base of tahoe. scoot mcgrew says he has that.
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>> i'm a renter for the skis. i do have the goggles. our gadgets for spring break are the smith goggles. they have a head's up display in them. they are the skiing version of google glass. there is a tiny video monitor. see if they are on the right. that gives you information about how fast you are going, how fast you are traveling, even what music is on your ipod or iphone. they are pricey at $650. here is some video. you can see right below the nbc bug there. we should put our advertisements in there, right? that's where the monitor would be. this is what it looks like. so 37, 38 miles an hour. the goggles, rather. i see goggle, i see google. they will report the gps data as well from your ski run. not the video but the location. you can take them home and plug them into a computer and see where you skied and data about  how fast you were going. bottom line, i do feel like i
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have glimpsed the future here. google doing the same with glasses. smith doing it with goggles. in this case, i don't think it is quite ready. it is one of those sorts of things where you say, hey, that's kind of cool for a little bit. then, after that, you say, wow, those were $650. five years from now -- remember that one time i talked about, everybody will have a head's up display. >> olympians, maybe they can-did shall. >> it is fun to see how fast you are going. it has lots of interesting data. watch for trees before checking your head's-up display. >> people, anything really. >> that would be interesting if you could see on a map, whoa, i was a little off course. >> that's kind of cool. it is interesting to watch. >> thank you very much. in the meantime, $650 for another ski trip. let's get another check on weather. christina loren is here to tell us about it. >> we have such a beautiful weekend shaping up. it is one of those weekends you can hit the beach and slopes and you will be spoiled in both
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locations. 73, inland. 73, bayside. at the coast, 69 degrees. one of your weekend days is going to be better for outdoor activities. we will dive deep into the forecast coming up next. first, want to get you out the front door on a timely and positive note with our own mike inouye. thumb's up because this is friday. fremont, bill a little bit more mild. you are past the truck scales. we will show you 680 on the maps heading through the same area approaching mission. that is your direct toward the fremont final. we have the crash at 880 southbound at whipping. all lanes of 880 are clear. it is the whipping off ramp that has the activity. fend d fend der bender, no activities. a prank by teenage group of boys led a 15-year-old girl to take her own life. also, turning to social media for desperate help. the odds against a stanford professor given only weeks to live. look at them kids. [ sigh ]
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they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. well, he showed up in a van. [ women ] oh-awww. [ voices in background ] [ female announcer ] swapportunity. the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a delicious 90 calorie yoplait light. ♪ sorry... about your date, the details of your date. [ female announcer ] just one swap a day helps keep the calories away.
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yoplait. it is so good.
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the secretary of state, tension continues to rise in korea. the message is, through her story, we want to make this society safer and better so these things don't happen. >> private pain, public humiliation and unspeakablely tragic ending. the gang rape allegations that led a young south bay girl to take her own life. >> 200 homes up in flames overnight. we'll let you know what investigators are saying caused the fire to spread so quickly. this could play a role in the morning drive to let you know when that is expected to clear.
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we are going to treat you to a spectacular weekend. those numbers coming right up. >> friday lights. it is friday. there are lights. we'll explain what's going on with the toll plaza. taking a live look outside, tan jose, sun coming up for this friday, april 12th. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you. thanks so much for joining us. i'm laura garcia cannon. i'm jon kelley. we have new video of secretary of state, john kerry, in south korea where he met with leaders in seoul. he says the u.s. will not accept north korea as a nuclear power. >> the rhetoric that we are hearing from north korea is simply unacceptable by any standard. i am here to make it clear today on behalf of president obama and
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the citizens of the united states and our bilateral security agreement, that the united states will, if needed, defend our allies and defend ourselves. >> kerry making his very first visit to seoul amid strong suspicions that north korea may soon test a mid-range missile. we will be going further into this developing story at 6:30 with a live report from capitol hill. >> 6:01 this morning. three teenage boys are behind bars accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old classmate at saratoga high school. that girl later committed suicide after photos of the assault were published online. we don't usually identify victims of sexual assault or suicide but we are sharing the girl's name and photo with her parents' permission. they are hoping to prevent the same thing from happening to another girl. "today in the bay's" marla tallez joins us live with more on the details. good


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